Monday, February 11, 2008


Haloo my fellow friends..
Have you ever feel..
when ever the money.. if you loopy-look at it..
your currency note... easy to say.. your "DUIT KERTAS" la.. will make you smile.. or at least... at least.. aah you just smilela.. can't help it.
Fisrt of all..
i love to bring you.......... into the world of imagination, let say, you go to the store and you pay using.. a DUIT KERTAS .. that note.. currency note.. have this printed on it..
everyone used this kind of currency..

would it make yourlife happier? hahaha..but ok... now i get serious.. if you're a malaysian.. take out your "DUIT KERTAS" ..i mean it.. take it out now.. now..
look at this picture....

close your say.. "pingu pingu please appear"now the magic word ... "PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" tadaaaaa...

isn't it a cute penguin right in the middle of the red circle.. although.. ada "CACAT" sikit.. but..
it's still a pengiun.. hahaha
a blue one also.. hahaha
anyway.. the one below is the real one.. don't bother to stare your "DUIT KERTAS" .. you won't find anything as real as the one below..

hehehe... well then my friend.. have fun and enjoy yourlife...

INK in WIERD MIND, 2nd Spill

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hey I'm herE !! :)


Jump !!
yeepiee!!!! it feel so good !!
Unlike before.. being here..
just feel awe
Thank god!!

halooooooo everybody!!!

owh man i'am so damn ex
Cited.. well to be honest..this is my first time here..
and .. i lost my ide
A in a sudden..
what shou
Ld i write?
a simp
Le introduction..

yeah.. that will
Make it more polite...
and much mor
E proper..

Guess what.. i already do that..

i just do that.. don't believe me
i just told you guys
my nickname


i know you can figure it out.

~ N-I-C-E-T-O-M-E-E-T-Y-O-U ~

that's me

hey.. add my friendster
here is the link.
don't hesitate


~ T-H-A-N-K-S ~


INK in WIERD MIND, 1st spill